Supply chain code of conduct
Ethics and Conduct
Exyte views its supply chain as important partners that make a significant, essential and valuable contribution to Exyte’s delivery of its customer projects. Exyte believes its vendor behaviours and performance reflects directly on Exyte and expects its supply chain to abide by at least the same standard of conduct that Exyte applies to itself. This requires conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical, moral and legal standards and complying with all applicable laws and regulations in addition to Exyte Group values.
The term ‘vendor’ is used to denote both ‘suppliers’ and ‘subcontractors’ collectively.
Exyte takes a firm position against corruption/bribery, and we expect the same from our supply chain. Exyte prohibits all forms of bribery and corruption by all parties contracted by or acting on its behalf, including:
payment of facilitation payments to any public official;
payment of bribes through agents (including consultants, lawyers, advisors, etc.);
receipt of money or benefits in kind by individuals, relatives or associates to facilitate business;
enhanced commissions or discounts.
To avoid the risk or perception that our business decisions could be influenced, we do not accept gifts. Some supplier provided unsolicited gifts may be acceptable if offered openly in the workplace, if their monetary value is negligible, and if they comply with Exyte policies on gifts/hospitality and conflicts of interest.
We expect our supply chain in any dealings with Exyte to:
refrain from offering or accepting any form of bribe from any employee or representative (including agents, consultants, and other third parties) of Exyte or any public official;
follow Exyte principles in respect of bribery and corruption;
train staff on preventing corruption;
report to Exyte any requests for bribes or other forms of bribery or corruption;
keep accurate records of transactions;
comply with Exyte policies on providing/receiving any gifts or hospitality to/from Exyte employees;
prevent conflicts of interest and inform Exyte if a risk of a conflict of interest arises;
maintain confidentiality of all communicated information.
Social Responsibility
Exyte requires its supply chain to operate with regard to the wellbeing of their employees and impact of their operations on the environment and communities. The supplier must treat members of communities with dignity and respect, and must not impact the health, safety or wellbeing of the community by engaging in activities such as threatening behaviour, violence, sexual exploitation, verbal or psychological harassment or abuse.
Exyte expects its supply chain to:
support and respect the protection of human rights in accordance with the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and to ensure that they are not complicit in any human rights abuses;
adhere to local health and safety regulations and standards, and implement all precautions to protect the health and safety of their workers;
adhere to applicable labour laws and regulations;
ensure no discrimination and encourage diversity; providing a work environment where everyone is treated fairly and cultural, ethnic, religious or other diversity factors (gender, etc.) are respected;
offer employment on the basis of merit;
not base decisions regarding employment on attributes unrelated to job performance (including: race, colour, gender, religion, personal associations, national origin, age, disability, political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation and family responsibilities);
it is acceptable to apply positive discrimination targets to support country-specific legislated diversity requirements;
prohibit the use of all forms of forced, bonded or involuntary/compulsory labour in relation to their workers, including any form of modern slavery, human trafficking, child labour or illegal labour;
Children must not be hired to work before completing their compulsory education (as determined by applicable local laws). Notwithstanding local requirements, the minimum age for entry into employment must not be younger than 15 years of age;
pay workers at least the applicable minimum wage as defined by local legislation;
guarantee workers working hours which comply with international standards and local legislation;
The supplier must support freedom of association by adopting an open attitude towards the legitimate activities of trade unions, and ensuring workers’ representatives are allowed to carry out legitimate representative functions in the workplace without discrimination;
The supplier must create and maintain an environment that treats all employees with dignity and respect and must not use any threats of violence, sexual exploitation or abuse, verbal or psychological harassment or abuse
Exyte expects its suppliers to:
comply with local environmental protection regulations and implement the necessary actions to limit the impact of their activities on the environment;
promote greater environmental responsibility and the use of goods and services which help to mitigate our environmental impact, as well as better managing and utilising resources such as energy, paper, water and waste;
promote the development and distribution of environmentally friendly technologies;
ensure waste is minimized in accordance with the three r’s: reduce, reuse, recycle;
monitor emissions and reduce usage to minimize impact on the environment;
not source material from World Heritage listed properties or International Union for Conservation of Nature Protected Areas.
The supplier must comply with Exyte’s EHS requirements relevant to work completed as part of the contract or commitment with Exyte. The supplier must:
provide safe and healthy working facilities and appropriate precautionary measures to protect employees from work-related hazards and anticipated dangers in the workplace;
provide workers with regular and recorded health and safety training;
provide clean and safe accommodation that meets the basic needs of the workers (where provision is applicable);
follow all relevant legislation, regulations and directives in the countries in which the contract activities are undertaken to provide a safe and healthy workplace;
comply with Exyte EHS plans and relevant policies and procedures;
implement systems for the prevention of occupational injury and illness including, standards for fire safety; emergency preparedness and response plans; occupational/industrial hygiene standards; appropriate lighting and ventilation; machinery safeguarding; reporting and investigation of occupational injuries and illness; reasonable access to potable water;
assign responsibility for health and safety to a senior management representative;
implement an incident free workplace intolerable of any injuries to employees;
ensure incidents are reported and investigated to determine root causes and avoid reoccurences.
Exyte standards of dealing with suppliers
Exyte expects its employees to behave professionally and to respect Exyte’s commitment to ethics and good conduct, the wellbeing of employees and communities in which it operates. Employees must support the protection of the environment and comply with a zero tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption.
Exyte will always strive to achieve the following standards in its dealings with its suppliers:
only use methods and means universally acknowledged to be consistent with good industry practice and avoid any illicit or unfair commercial practices;
refuse any direct or indirect personal compensation, payment or financial benefit from a supplier and make sure that no personal interests interfere with the process;
abstain from directly or indirectly soliciting or receiving any advantage from a supplier, including: gifts, discounts, commissions, invitations, travel, etc., whether for the benefit of an Exyte employee or his/her relatives/associates unless it is in compliance with the Group gifts and hospitality policy;
ensure fair treatment of suppliers and clear/consistent communication, so that all suppliers benefit from the same level of information;
monitor compliance with competition rules and treat competing companies equally;
promote Exyte values and ensure it leads by example for the principles set out in this document.
Law and regulations
The supplier must understand all laws and regulations relevant to their work and comply with legal requirements of the country where they are working.
Vendors must report all suspected and actual breaches of the above principles by their employees and by Exyte, its employees or any other parties.
You can report directly to the relevant manager/supervisor at Exyte;
or report by e-mail to Exyte’s Corporate Compliance Team(
Use Exyte’s externally hosted SpeakUp portal for anonymous reports(